The book is OUT NOW!

Excited to expose your children to a game-changing approach to early language development? Want to exercise their intelligence early on? Sign up to stay informed on all things G is for Gossamer: A Children’s SMART & SOPHISTICATED ABC’s Book For ages 0-7.

Because we are sure that our darling little children can mutter something

more interesting than “cat” and “light.” 🙂

#SmartKids #BuddingIntelligentsia #EarlyLanguageDevelopment

  • The most important factor in children's language development is the quality and quantity of the language they hear from their caregivers and in their environments.

    Catherine Snow, Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor and Researcher

  • Exposing children to a rich and varied vocabulary early on can set the stage for their future learning and development.

    Catherine Snow, Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor and Researcher

  • Vocabulary knowledge in early childhood is crucial for later reading comprehension. Children need to be exposed to a wide range of words and their meanings to build a strong foundation for literacy.

    Susan Neuman, Professor at New York University

  • The language environment that children are exposed to in their early years has a profound impact on their cognitive and linguistic development. Early exposure to rich vocabulary can significantly boost their academic performance and social skills.

    Anne Fernald, Researcher and Professor at Stanford University

  • Language development in the early years is a critical predictor of academic success. Children who have a rich vocabulary and strong language skills are more likely to excel in reading and other academic areas.

    David Dickinson, Professor and Researcher at Vanderbilt University

  • Children who are engaged in conversations with adults and are exposed to diverse vocabulary from an early age tend to have better language skills and cognitive abilities.

    Anne Fernald, Researcher and Professor at Stanford University